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Rating: 3/5

Lost References:

There are so many references to this work, some of which I didn’t even catch until reading up on fan sites. Where to begin?

A man named Henry Gale crashes on the island in a hot air balloon. (Ben Linus steals his identity.) Later, Sawyer calls Tom Friendly, one of the Others, “Zeke.” Zeke is one of the farmhands that works for Henry Gale, just as Tom works for Ben.

There is an episode titled “The Man Behind the Curtain” in which Locke calls Ben this and then directly mentions the Wizard of Oz. (As it turns out, the actual powerful being behind the curtain is Jacob, though he, unlike the Wizard, has real powers.) There is also a three-part episode called “There’s No Place Like Home” with flash forwards for Jack, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, Kate, & Aaron.

Then there are also some references to the film, like a character getting crushed and having red shoes sticking out. (In the book, they were silver shoes, not ruby slippers.) But such references don’t really count, so I think I’ll let it go here.

Speaking of shoes, Dorothy uses her shoes and a wish to return home to get back to Kansas. To get back to the Island, Jack thinks he needs his father’s shoes.

On a larger, thematic note, both stories are about people being caught in a storm and thrown into a magical land.


If I’m honest, I didn’t really care for this book. It wasn’t bad, but with all the hype around both the book and the movie, I was expecting a little bit more. It was written very simplistically, which one would expect from a children’s book, but there was far more “telling” than “showing” in the action. I never really felt engaged or like I was part of the story, just observing from the outside. Dorothy’s emotions especially were told very passively, and even when she did say or do things that would support the purported emotions, it just wasn’t enough to make up for the rest.

Rating: 4/5

Lost References:

Again, this book took place during the first season of Lost, though it didn’t include the crash like the others did. This one includes the motifs of art, dreams/visions, and ghosts.


I liked that it actually added to the Island mysteries, as opposed to Endangered Species, which was basically about a jungle adventure. I liked that, unlike the other two books, it actually incorporated the show characters into the actual plot instead of using them as props to frame the scene and convince us we were in Lost. However, it does miss out on the use of original secondary characters on the Island, which Hapka’s works at least tried to do. Besides that, it annoyed me that Jeff spent half his flashback time sleeping around, which I consider especially wasted space because he’s otherwise the most developed and realistic of the three books’ main characters. The most obvious flaw in the book, though, is its serious need for editing. There were many technical errors, like referring Jeff as Jack within the book and Nick on the back cover blurb, of all places. There were times when the author did things like suddenly jump between character perspectives or break from the Island-flashback-Island chapter structure. Then there was the ending. Just like the Return of the King movie, this book suffered from several false endings after the climax. All in all, this book had more promise than the other two character-wise and plot-wise, but it comes across as a very unfinished product.

Rating: 3/5

Lost References:

This semi-canonical novella is set on the Island immediately following the Oceanic crash (except for the flashbacks, of course).


The writing seemed amateurish, especially in the unnatural dialogue. However, it did move along at a good pace, and it handled some of the themes that readers would expect in Lost, if in a heavy-handed way. (The main character’s name is Faith, she struggles with self-confidence, she has a secretly violent past, etc. It is also formatted so that the 23 chapters alternate between Faith’s present and her flashbacks.) The big upshot for this book was that it did, in fact, focus on someone other than a member of the show’s main cast. It makes sense, considering how many people were on that flight, and I’m glad those responsible for these tie-in books decided to take that route. So, don’t expect anything deep, but your average Lost fan would probably get some enjoyment out of the experience.

Rating: 5/5

Lost References:

Boone had this book in Australia, but Sawyer found it and is seen reading it in a few scenes. (“It’s about bunnies.”) Also, the book has a big bunny motif, largely thanks to Ben and DHARMA.

Thematically, the novel has the ongoing idea of home, which is important to all the various rabbit communities. Some of the rabbits are lead to find this home through one rabbit’s prophecies.

One group of rabbits is reminiscent of the Others, as a military state from which no one is allowed to leave. They practice kidnapping and murder (and at one point, they even have some of the protagonists captive). This group also has difficulties with childbirth.

As in Lost, Watership Down has some Smoke Monsters. One is a train, and the other is the legendary Black Rabbit of Inlé who brings fear and sickness, lives in a cave (where no time exists), and plays a game with stones.


When I was a kid, Tales From Watership Down was one of my favorite books. I had a thing for rabbits, and this book seemed a little edgier than other bunny books. Some parts of the book even genuinely freaked me out, like the White Blindness (which, incidentally, is a real rabbit disease known as Myxomatosis and is used by humans to control their population). The rabbit characters were more fleshed out here than in other rabbit books. They have a very complete culture of their own, and I loved the side stories about their folk hero, El-ahrairah.

Looking back years later, I have no reason to change my opinion. The original novel, Watership Down, has the same charm and originality, so it was a pleasant foray into children’s literature.

Rating: 5/5

Lost References:

Saywer calls Paulo “Zorro.”


This novella, first serialized in a pulp fiction magazine as The Curse of Capistrano, was the first work to feature the character Zorro. There are a couple differences from today’s iconic image – his mask covers his whole face, he wears a purple cloak, and he’s smart enough to use a gun when it’s called for. Most notably, though, he unmasks himself at the end to family, friends, and enemies, which doesn’t leave much room for all these sequels and spinoff works. This is all just food for thought – not necessarily good or bad. It’s remarkably similar in most ways, right down to the Z’s he enjoys carving.

I found the story a fine adventure, even though the unmasking wasn’t a huge twist or surprise. Everyone knows Don Diego is Zorro, just like everyone knows Bruce Wayne is Batman and Sir Percy Blakeney is the Scarlet Pimpernel. If you are not part of “everyone” and I just spoiled something for you, my apologies. These three characters are all classic clueless rich guys by day and roguish vigilantes by night. Regardless, the story was the usual swashbuckling fun that embodies Zorro.

Above: Left is an illustration from The Curse of Capistrano, and right is a still shot of Antonio Banderas as Zorro (a sucessor of Don Diego’s).

Rating: 3/5

Lost References:

Sawyer calls Kate “Pippi Longstocking.”


My last review was about an overly pessimistic book. This book, on the other hand, is overly optimistic. It’s just about a crazy girl that everyone loves. There’s not too much plot, but there’s imagination and fun for kids. Very young kids.

Rating: 4/5

Lost References:

Sawyer reads Of Mice and Men in jail and then has a conversation with Ben where they’re quoting it at each other. Later Sawyer tells the Man in Black that it’s his favorite book, and the Man in Black replies that he never read it because it was after his time.


The book is written well enough but is needlessly depressing. Granted, it’s tough to write a good story about the American Dream. If it ends well for the dreamer, then the story’s too warm and fuzzy. If it ends badly, then it’s sad. Either way, the ending’s disappointing. The author can’t win.

Rating: 4/5

Lost References:

There are many similarities here, some big, some trivial.

  • PLOT: In both stories, a group of strangers crashes on an island and devolves into violent behavior against each other (though Lord of the Flies is about boys and Lost has men and women and a few kids). Both stories have the characters dividing into factions based on beliefs [LotF – Ralph (civilization) vs. Jack (savagery), Lost – Jack (reason) vs. Locke (faith)… LotF’s Ralph and Lost’s Jack are both initially reluctant leaders], and this leads to a lot of reader/viewer speculation on the nature of man and/or the universe.
  • CHARACTERS: Both stories have a character peculiarly connected with his island (LotF – Simon, Lost – Locke). Both have a character whose death is seen as a sacrifice to the Island by another (LotF – Jack on Simon’s death, Lost – Locke on Boone’s death). Both have a parachutist arrive on an island, get stuck in a tree, and get discovered by the castaways (LotF – the paratrooper, Lost – Naomi).
  • OTHER: Sawyer and Charlie both mention people acting all “Lord of the Flies.” Both the Island and this book’s island are filled with boar. Hurley finds a boar swarming with flies, and in the book, a boy finds a fly-infested boar head on a stick. Both Islands also have rumors of a monster in the jungle. Both have plot points concerning asthma (LotF – Piggy, Lost – Shannon) and a side story about someone’s glasses (LotF – Piggy, Lost – Sawyer).


Unfortunately, I had to read this book for three separate classes, and in each of those classes, we analyzed it to DEATH. I actually enjoyed this book the first time through, but now I can’t stand it. It’s actually a well-written story about how people create government and society based on crises. It’s also shares many similarities with Lost, so I wish I’d seen this show before suffering through those classes. At the very least, I could have whipped up a decent paper on comparisons and links between the two. And it really is worth reading… I just don’t want to read it myself right now.

Rating: 3/5

Lost References:

Sawyer tells Kate that “Timmy fell down a well,” the ultimate Lassie cliché.


Since there are lots of Lassie books, I went with Lassie Come-Home, Eric Knight’s first novel-length Lassie story. It was your average book about a super-loyal dog that is too perfect to exist in real life. I know it was probably innovative back when it was written, like a lot of things that seem overused to us now. Still, some heartstrings were tugged. I can’t help it. And there was a decent side-story with Lassie’s family.

Rating: 5/5

Lost References:

 One of the numbers of Lost is 42, which could very well be related to Hitchhiker’s. In this book, the number 42 is the meaning of “life, the universe, and everything.” (Sawyer also mentions the book in The Lost Experience.)


 If you like your scifi but can’t stand how serious it usually is, DON’T PANIC! Hitchhiker’s is the book for you. I haven’t gotten around to the rest of the series yet, but I have definite plans to pick up the rest of the Douglas Adams ones, at least. (Other authors have kept the series going, but I don’t think it’d be the same.) Anywho, Douglas Adams is just amazing. Clever, hilarious, brilliant.

And if you’ve already read this one and love it, I’d recommend Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency. He also did some Doctor Who, which made me quite happy.

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