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Rating: 3/5

Lost References:

Sawyer calls Hurley “Barbar,” and Hurley tells him, “It’s ‘Babar.'”


It’s a cute kid’s story. Not very deep, not remotely realistic. Still, it’s short and lighthearted and as entertaining as anything for the very young.

Rating: 2/5

Lost References:

Hurley finds the manuscript for this fictional book. Sawyer is seen reading it before Jack throws it into the fire. An actual Bad Twin book was then created as a Lost tie-in, supposedly by a man named Gary Troup who was on the Oceanic flight and sucked into the plane’s jet engine in the pilot episode, the first person seen to die on the show. (The real life ghostwriter is a man named Laurence Shames.) The book is absolutely stuffed with Lost references. You can find a full list on this Lostpedia page of the various shared characters, places, and other concepts. The name Gary Troup itself is an anagram for “purgatory,” an important Lost theme. He dedicates the book to Oceanic flight attendant Cindy Chandler, and his publishing company is Walkabout Publishing. And so on.


The book was horribly and predictably written. The only people who need to read it are Lost fans.

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