Cast and Crew

Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, executive producers and creative geniuses of Lost, chat about the idea of a Lost book club.


Benjamin Linus can even make reading look creepy.

Daniel Faraday tends to live in his own little world. As such, he’s only seen reading his own notebook.

Desmond Hume reads not-Dickens.

Don’t expect any intense bouts of reading from Hurley (Hugo Reyes). Just connection-dropping.

Jacob enjoys reading in his spare time. You know, while he waits for people to fall out of nearby windows.

Jack Shepard reads to Claire’s baby, Aaron, while Kate looks on. Lostie Book Club?

Locke brings The Brothers Karamazov to Ben’s cell.

The Others hold a Book Club meeting for Juliet’s favorite book.

There is no accounting for the literary tastes of Rose and Bernard Nadler.

Sawyer (James Ford) reads his favorite book.

Shannon on the beach with Sayid.