Fans of Lost will have noticed that the characters were constantly reading and making literary references. I’m taking that as a challenge, and I plan to read every single fictional book referenced on Lost. (I’m not counting magazines, comics, or nonfiction. Just the fiction. That’s quite enough as it is.) I’ll tell you as I go along where they were in the show. Lots of the novels go back to Ben (which is why I picked his name for a blog title). Sawyer has quite a few, too. Jack probably comes in third, for though he had big bookshelves, they mostly held medical reference books.

As for those bookshelves – I’m including all the titles I and my fellow fans can make out. I’ve combined the lists of Lostpedia and the Lost TV Forum, and I’ve found a couple on my own. If you see any others, or spot anything else that I’m missing, let me know. I’ll post my list for all to see. And then it’s time to begin. This is probably going to be a never-ending project, as I keep discovering more titles, but if I ever finish it, I’ll be even prouder than when I finished watching the Star Wars Holiday Special on the third try.

Quick Note: You can search for specific posts or use tags to find general categories. I also have tags so you can quickly find which works I’ve rated better than others.

My Ratings:
0 – No Merit Whatsoever
1 – Pretty Poor Effort
2 – Below Average
3 – Average
4 – Above Average
5 – Spectacular

(Accordingly, by the end of this, there ought to be the most 3’s, followed by 2’s and 4’s, and then the rest. But we’ll see.)