Rating: 2/5

Lost References:

This book is on Ben’s shelf. There’s a more indirect, or circumstantial reference in the mouse experiment. In the book, Algernon the mouse has experimental brain surgery before Charlie (the first human subject). When Algernon regresses and dies, this foreshadows the end for Charlie. In Lost, Daniel experiments on a mouse named Eloise’s brain. She gets a brain hemorrhage, just like later humans exposed to similar conditions. But some of the humans survive. Go, Desmond!


It’s interesting as a social commentary. If you want to know about discrimination against those with special needs, this is probably the best-known book on the subject. Only, I didn’t actually enjoy it. It pushes the cause of acceptance, and it even has a storyline and style that I could have found not only realistic but compelling, but Keyes just tries too hard.